Would you like to sale the products which are made in Japan?
CST cube are looking for the buyers who are interested in dealing with the prouducts of made in Japan.
We will take all good care of troblesome from your trading,we also surport you to have your own shop from the beginning.
We have plenty of experience to surport our regular customers.
If you are interested in our products.
Pleses fell free to contact to us.
Franchise Fee and royalty are Free, $0
You can start your own shop which sales japanease products with small budget.
Increase in sales cause of our Japanese product.
We started our directly managed shop since 2011,
and still increase in sales by every year.
We reguly send the products of made in Japan
from our storehouse once a month.
The example of
our export items.
We will show you the example of diffrece between some container's items by price.
We will make a flexible action with your requirements.
Please feel free to contact us.
How CST cube assist you
We will assist your trading with an experienced stuff.
CST will take all good care of the troblesome process from our trading.
You will only do is getting in touch with a japanese stuff from CST,
so you don't need to come and see us here in Japan and no need to communicate in English.
We can also deal with your questions in English your language.
Supportting for opening your own shop
We will help you to look for the place for your own shop and traning for your shop staff.Those are based on our success story.
Having a traning in our directly managed shop
You can have the traning in our shop,so you don't need to worrry about you're inexperienced.
Sugestions for how to sale japanese products
After your container arrives at your shop,
We will show you our effective sales strategy for each kind of japanese products.
We concider your sales are going to be the best all the time.
Regularly visit & Improvement proposal
Once in three months, our adviser visit at your shop for giving you the improvement proposal.
In addition to the above,
we can support you with your needs.
We have started our trading department since 2011,
and the sales volume has been increasing steadily every year.
Store area:30㎡
Store area:180㎡